TEACHING ENGLISH as a Foreign Language


A Guide for Professionals


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TEACHING ENGLISH as a Foreign Language

Podręcznik wykorzystuje najnowsze osiągnięcia językoznawstwa, psychologii uczenia się, dydaktyki i teorii komunikacji. Przedstawia problemy dydaktyki z punktu widzenia przyswajania języka. Kładzie nacisk na aktywną rolę ucznia w procesie dydaktycznym poprzez wybór odpowiedniej strategii uczenia się. Szczególnie podkreśla wagę procesów stałych i powtarzalnych w przyswajaniu języka obcego. Krótko omawia tradycje i obecny stan dydaktyki języków obcych w Polsce i na świecie. Każdy rozdział zawiera podsumowanie, wykaz lektur uzupełniających, pytania, zadania i ćwiczenia, niezbędne w przygotowaniach do zaliczeń i egzaminów. Indeks rzeczowy i osób oraz słownik terminów znakomicie ułatwiają korzystanie z podręcznika i pomagają w przyswojeniu wiedzy.

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PART ONE Where do our ideas on foreign language teaching come from? 17

1. Foreign language teaching in a historical perspective          17
1.1. The role of Latin                  17
1.2. Grammar as the key to foreign language learning. The Grammar Translation Method   18
1.3. Reactions to the Grammar Translation Method          20
1.3.1. The Reform Movement                 22
1.4. The Natural and the Direct Methods               23
1.5. The Reading Method                   26
1.6. The current view on the role of grammar             28
1.7. The current view on the function of translation          29
1.8. The current view on the role of the text            32
Topics and review questions                32
Further reading                    33 

PART TWO Mainstream and alternative methods in TEFL in the second half of the 20th century 36

2. Audiolingualism in teaching English as a foreign language        36
2.1. Approach, method, technique                 36
2.2. Sources of audiolingualism                 36
2.2.1. Influences from psychology               37
2.2.2. Influences from linguistics              38
2.3. The Audiolingual Approach, Method and Techniques        39
2.3.1. Five audiolingual slogans and their influence on the method of teaching  40
2.3.2. Further characteristic features of the Audiolingual Method       43
2.3.3. Characteristic techniques              45
2.4. A critical look at the Audiolingual Approach, Method and Techniques    47
2.5. The current view on drill, imitation, and repetition           49
Topics and review questions                52
Further reading                    52

3. The Cognitive Code Learning Theory              52
3.1. Influences from psychology                 53
3.2. Influences from linguistics                 55
3.3. Five slogans of the Cognitive Approach and their implications for the Cognitive Method of foreign language teaching                 57
3.4. Further characteristic features of the Cognitive Method        59
3.5. Closing remarks on the Cognitive Method             62
3.6. The current view on the link between materials, meaning, and memory processes   63
Topics and review questions                64
Further reading                    65

4. Developments in foreign language teaching following the Audiolingual and the Cognitive Methods                      65
4.1. Pessimism regarding the search for an ideal method           65
4.2. The eclectic orientation                66
4.3. The alternative methods                67
4.3.1. The Silent Way by Caleb Gattegno            68
4.3.2. Total Physical Response by James Asher          71
4.3.3. Suggestopedia by Georgi Lozanov            73
4.3.4. Community Language Learning by Charles Curran         76
Topics and review questions                79
Further reading                    80
4.4. Focus on the learner                   80
4.5. Individual factors in foreign language learning          82
4.6. Individualizing foreign language instruction             84
4.7. The beginnings of Second Language Acquisition Research         86
Topics and review questions                87
Further reading                    88
PART THREE Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) 90

5. The Communicative Approach to foreign language teaching        90
5.1. Foundations of the Communicative Approach          90
5.2. Interest in doing things with words               90
5.3. The notion of communicative competence             92
5.4. The importance of discourse in CLT               94
5.5. The notion of role                  97
5.6. Developments in communicative syllabus design           98

6. The Communicative Method and Techniques. Evaluating CLT         101
6.1. The Communicative Method                 101
6.2. Criteria of communication in CLT               101
6.3. Principles of the Communicative Method             103
6.3.1. Further issues in the Communicative Method           105
6.4. Typical activities and techniques              107
6.4.1. Structured dialogue                108
6.4.2. Jig-saw reading and listening               108
6.4.3. Role-play                  109
Further reading                    110
6.4.4. Drama                     110
Further reading                    111
6.4.5. Simulation                  111
Further reading                     113
6.4.6. Project                     113
Further reading                    115
6.5. Evaluating CLT                  115
Topics and review questions                121
Further reading                    122

PART FOUR The current perspective on teaching English as a foreign language 123

7. Focus on verbal communication, learning, and reasoning           123
7.1. The nature of communicative processes            124
7.2. The main components of our learning ‘equipment’           128
7.3. Strong ties between verbal communication and learning         131
7.4. Language as a special code of verbal communication        132
7.5. Reasoning processes available to the language learner        133
Topics and review questions                134
Further reading                    135

8. The whole-person involvement in verbal communication and learning       135
8.1. The learner’s contribution to the dynamics of verbal communication and learning   135
8.1.1. The role of cognitive resources               136
8.1.2. Making communicative adjustments             137
8.1.3. The learner’s creative and constructive involvement         137
8.2. Personality factors                  138
8.2.1. The role of the learner’s personality             138
8.2.2. The role of self-concept and self-esteem          138
8.2.3. Communicative assertiveness               140
8.3. The learner’s development along the lifespan          141
Topics and review questions                142
Further reading                    143

9. Conditions for foreign language learning. Input, interaction, feedback. The role of cultivation strategies                       143
9.1. Primary conditions for foreign language learning           144
9.2. What can we learn from observing children?             145
9.3. Secondary conditions for foreign language learning. Cultivation of language learning in the classroom                     146
9.3.1. The essential processes in foreign language learning and teaching     147
9.4. A look back at the traditional approaches to foreign language teaching    150
9.5. The nature of teaching – the role of the teacher          151
9.6. Focus on form and accuracy                 153
9.7. The origin and role of the foreign language teaching method at the beginning of the 21st century                    154
Topics and review questions                156
Further reading                    156
PART FIVE How communication and learning emerge 157

10. The development of the language learner in childhood and adolescence       157
10.1. Landmarks of development                 158
10.1.1. Gradual emergence of verbal communication        160
10.2. The first stage – infancy and toddlerhood             160
10.2.1. The psychosocial development            160
10.2.2. Communication                161
10.3. Early childhood (3–6 years)                 163
10.3.1. Language and communication in early childhood         165
10.3.2. Play in early childhood              166
10.4. Middle childhood                   166
10.4.1. Piaget’s stage of concrete operations             166
10.4.2. The development of memory in middle childhood         167
10.4.3. The development of thinking            169
10.4.4. Language development              169
10.4.5. Developing a sense of humour            170
10.4.6. Gifted and creative children               171
10.4.7. Personality and social development in middle childhood       172
10.5. Adolescence                     173
10.5.1. Intellectual development in adolescence          174
10.5.2. Personality development              174
10.5.3. The search for identity, including sexual identity         175
10.6. Resulting principles of foreign language teaching in childhood and adolescence   176
Topics and review questions                178
Further reading                     178
PART SIX Foreign language skills in the context of verbal communication 179

11. Spoken and written discourse           179
11.1. Comprehension and production as an integral part of verbal communication  179
11.2. Differences between spoken and written discourse           180
11.3. Authentic and didactic texts. Authentic and didactic tasks         183
11.4. Stages in learning a skill in a foreign language          187
Topics and review questions                189
Further reading                     190

12. Receptive skills: reading comprehension               190
12.1. Reading as a form of interaction              190
12.2. Bottom-up and top-down processes in reading          191
12.3. The learner’s angle on reading              192
12.4. The levels of reading comprehension            193
12.5. The teacher’s analysis of the text for its communicative and language learning ,potential                    196
12.6. Sources of difficulty in reading comprehension and strategies of dealing with them . 200
12.6.1. Increasing background knowledge             200
12.6.2. Highlighting the genre              202
12.7. Vocabulary and the reading passage               203
12.8. Types of reading and their function in learning English as a foreign language  205
12.9. Options in designing reading tasks. Pre-reading, reading, and follow-up     207
Further reading                     212

13. Receptive skills: listening comprehension            212
13.1. Functions of auditory input in foreign language learning         213
13.1.1. The learner as a member of an audience          213
13.1.2. The learner as an addressee               214
13.1.3. Input for pronunciation              215
13.2. Listening comprehension as an integral part of verbal communication     217
13.3. Difficulties experienced by foreign language learners in listening comprehension tasks                       218
13.4. Guidelines for listening tasks              220
13.5. Auditory input and various follow-up activities          220
13.6. Activities aimed at developing listening comprehension         222
13.7. The function of tapescript in listening comprehension tasks      226
13.8. Options in designing a listening comprehension task        227
Further reading                     231

14. Productive skills: speaking                231
14.1. Speaking as an act of verbal communication          232
14.2. Long-term investment in speaking               234
14.3. The structure of conversation              235
14.4. Abilites involved in participating in a conversation           237
14.5. The role of anxiety in developing the speaking skill        238
14.6. Cultivating articulacy in EFL              240
14.7. Selected activities for the development of the speaking skill      244
Topics and review questions                247
Further reading                     247

15. Productive skills: writing                   248
15.1. Writing as an act of constructing a message             248
15.2. Differences between experienced and inexperienced writers      250
15.3. Long-term investment in the writing skill             251
15.4. Learning to write versus process writing             252
15.5. Sample activities in learning how to write in EFL           254
15.6. Process writing                  258
15.7. Error correction in written work               259
Topics and review questions                261
Further reading                     262

Conclusions                       263
Additional terms                    267
References                      273
Index                         281
Name index                       289

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