Financial market instruments in case studies. Chapter 5. Credit Derivatives in the United States and Poland – Reasons for Differences in Development Stages – Paweł Niedziółka

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  • Druk: 2007

  • Autor: Izabela Pruchnicka-Grabias

  • Wydawca: CeDeWu

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Financial market instruments in case studies. Chapter 5. Credit Derivatives in the United States and Poland – Reasons for Differences in Development Stages – Paweł Niedziółka

Rynek finansowy jest trzonem gospodarki i wywiera ogromny wpływ na jej poszczególne branże, pozwalając jej dzięki temu właściwie funkcjonować. Odbywa się to dzięki różnorodnym instrumentom finansowym, które tworzone są specjalnie pod potrzeby jego uczestników. Instrumenty te mają coraz z roku na rok coraz bardziej złożony charakter, a w związku z tym są coraz lepiej dopasowane do potrzeb tych podmiotów, które z nich korzystają.
W książce przedstawiono niektóre z tych produktów, skupiając się głównie na takich, które nie funkcjonują jeszcze sprawnie na polskim rynku takich jak instrumenty hipoteczne, kontrakty terminowe typu forward, opcje, derywaty kredytowe oraz produkty strukturyzowane. Zamierzeniem autorów było po­kazanie różnicy w obecnym stanie ich rozwoju w porównaniu do krajów wysokorozwiniętych, by uświadomić czytelnikowi, jak długą drogę polski rynek finansowy ma jeszcze do przebycia.
Książka, przygotowana przez ekonomistów z najlepszych polskich uczelni, przeznaczona jest dla studentów, naukowców, jak również obecnych i przy­szłych inwestorów polskiego rynku finansowego. Ze względu na to, iż napisana jest w języku angielskim, liczymy, ze znajdzie liczne grono odbiorców nie tylko w Polsce, lecz również poza granicami kraju.

Financial market is the core of the economy. It has a profound impact on many of its sectors and allows it to fiinction properly. It is due to various financial instruments which are created to fulfiH needs of its participants. They are morę and morę complex and thus better and better tailored to their users' ne­cessities. The book presents some of these products, especially those which are not well developed on the Polish market that is mortgage instruments, foreign exchange forwards, options, credit derivatives and structured products. The aim of its Authors was to show the difference between the Polish and other markets. It was reached by giving these products characteristics and the present state of development in the world markets as well as in Po­land. The book, prepared by economists from the best Polish universities, is devoted to students, scientists as well as to existing and potential investors of the Polish financial market. Being written in English, I am surę it will have a great deal of not only Polish but also foreign readers.

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Foreword by Izabela Pruchnicka-Grabias 9

Chapter 1
Principles of the Law on the Capital Market in the European Union and in Poland - Justyna Maliszewska-Nienartowicz 11
1.1. Introductory Remarks 11
1.2. Definitions of Basic Concepts - the Capital Market and the Law on the Capital Market 12
1.3. Principles of the Law on the Capital Market in the EU 13
1.3.1. Regulations Concerning Different Sectors of the Capital Market 13
1.3.2. Basic Characteristics and Principles of the Public Market 17
1.3.3. Principles of the Regulated Market and Relating to Investment Firms and Services 18
1.3.4. Basic Characteristics and Principles of the Official Stock-exchange Listing Market 20
1.4. Principles of the Law on the Capital Market in Poland 21
1.4.1. Acts on Public Offering, on Trading inFinancial Instruments and on Capital Market Supervision - the Most Important Changes in Comparison with Previous Regulations 21
1.4.2. Basic Principles of the Polish Capital Market 25 The Principle of the Dematerialisation of Securities and Trading in Securities (Financial Instruments) 25 The Principle of Trading on the Regulated Market 27 The Principle of the Obligatory Intermediation of an Investment Firm Conducting Brokerage Activities 28 The Principle of Administrative Supervision 29
1.4.3. The Need for Further Development of Polish Regulations on Capital Market 30

Chapter 2
Mortgage Financial Instruments in European Countries - Anna Szelągowska 33
2.1. Covered Bonds 34
2.2. Structured Covered Bonds 36
2.3.Residential Mortgage Backed Securities 38
2.4. Retail Deposits 41
2.5. Securitisation 42
2.6. Multi-origination Platforms 42
2.7. The Covered Bond Systems in Europe 43
2.8. Case Study of the Polish Mortgage Market 51

Chapter 3
Foreign Exchange Forward as an OTC Derivatives Market Instrument - Iwona Piekunko-Mantiuk 57
3.1. The Essence of Forward Contracts 58
3.2. Using the Forward Transaction to Secure the Open Foreign Exchange Position 60
3.3. The Global Market of Forward Contracts 62
3.4. Forward Contract Markets in Selected Countries 66
3.4.1. Developed Markets 66 Great Britain 66 USA 68
3.4.2. Emerging Markets 69 Singapore 70 The Czech Republic 72
3.5. The Polish Foreign Exchange Forward Market 74
3.5.1. Innovations on the Polish Foreign Exchange Forward Market 74
3.5.2. Turnover Volume and Structure 75
3.5.3. Development Perspectives 77

Chapter 4
Focus on Options - Izabela Pruchnicka-Grabias 81
4.1. Risk Factors Associated with Options 82
4.2. Options Listed on Well-developed Exchanges in the World 83
4.3. Options in Poland 93
4.4. Options' OTC Markets in 2001-2006 95

Chapter 5
Credit Derivatives in the United States and Poland - Reasons for Differences in Development Stages - Paweł Niedziółka 99
5.1. Characteristics of Credit Derivatives - Selected Aspects 100
5.2. Credit Derivatives Market in the United States 105
5.3. Credit Derivatives in Poland -Reasons for Slow Market Development 108

Chapter 6
Structured Products - Krzysztof Borowski 113
6.1. Structured Products - Origin 115
6.1.1. Development of the Structured Products Market 117
6.2. Structured Products Classification 120
6.2.1. Principal Protected Products 120
6.2.2. Single - Stock Hedges 124
6.2.3. Other Classification of Structured Products 124
6.3. Examples of Structured Products 127
6.3.1. Capital Protected Products 127
6.3.2. Trackers 129
6.3.3. Accelerated Trackers 131
6.3.4. Reverse Trackers 133
6.3.5. Bonus Trackers 134
6.3.6. Discount Trackers 135
6.4. Structured Products Listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) 138
6.4.1. Income Products 142
6.4.2. Lock - in Certificates 144
6.4.3. Air - bag Certificate 145
6.5. Structured Products on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) 146
6.6. Recent and Expected Trends 147

Concluding Remarks by Izabela Pruchnicka-Grabias 149
Bibliography 151


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