Manufacturer – retailer relationships. The context of business models

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  • Druk: 2017

  • Redakcja naukowa: Andrzej Sznajder, Anna Napiórkowska, Joanna Cygler, Marzanna Katarzyna Witek-Hajduk, Tomasz Napiórkowski

  • Wydawca: Szkoła Główna Handlowa

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Manufacturer – retailer relationships. The context of business models

The issue of manufacturer - retailer relationships has been discussed since the end of the 70s of the previous century. (....) In the literature devoted to inter-organisational relations, horizontal relationships have been predominantly studied while only some publications discussed vertical relations, focusing on the relations between manufacturers and suppliers, not buyers . The current status of knowledge on manufacturer - retailer relations should, therefore, be considered as rudimentary. (...) Relations between manufacturers and retailers can be also considered in the context of business models' changes and transformation of both retailers and manufacturers roles in the value chain. (...) Being aware of the incompleteness of knowledge on the manufacturer - retailer relationships on the market of durable consumer goods, a team of researchers under the guidance of Marzanna K. Witek-Hajduk made an attempt to fill in this gap in the scope of both concept and research. (...) The study is aimed at developing knowledge on manufacturer - retailer relationships in the context of business models and in conditions of IT technologies' de­velopment. (...) The book is consistent with the stream of the discussion conducted by scientists and managers worldwide regarding the possibility to establish a competitive advantage of both manufacturers and retailers with a consideration of the variety of relations between the parties.

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Marzanna Katarzyna Witek-Hajduk


Joanna Cygler

Chapter 1. Inter-organizational relations - an outline of theoretical concepts


1.1. Relations in theoretical concepts

1.2. Prerequisites for establishing inter-organisational relations

1.3. Types of the inter-organisational relations

1.4. Types of relationships - the impact of competition and cooperation

1.5. Bilateral and multilateral inter-organisational relations

1.6. Strong and weak inter-organisational relations

1.7. Diversity of relationships due to the characteristics of the parties


Marzanna Katarzyna Witek-Hajduk

Chapter 2. Manufacturer - retailer relationships


2.1. Characteristics of the parties to a manufacturer - retailer relationship

Retailers as a party to relationships with manufacturers

2.2. Manufacturers' business models vs. retailers' business models

2.3. Manufacturer - retailer relationships as a type of inter-organisational relations

2.4. Manufacturer - retailer relationships as an element of the strategy of the parties to the relation

2.5. Typology and characteristics of manufacturer - retailer relationships

2.6. Manufacturer - retailer competition

2.7. Manufacturer - retailer cooperation

2.8. Manufacturer - retailer coopetition

2.9. Manufacturer - retailer cooperation and coopetition versus manufacturer brand - retailer brand alliances

2.10. The scope of the manufacturer - retailer cooperation and coopetition

2.10.1. Cooperation in the promotional activities

2.10.2. Manufacturer - retailer cooperation in manufacturing products exclusively for the retailer or under retailer's own brands

2.10.3. Manufacturer - retailer cooperation/coopetition in planning and satisfying customers' needs, including the category management

2.10.4. Manufacturer - retailer cooperation in the CSR and sustainable development

2.11. Manufacturer - retailer coexistence


Andrzej Sznajder

Chapter 3. Determinants of manufacturer - retailer relationships


3.1. Changes in customers' market behaviours as a determinant of changes in distribution systems - digital consumers

3.2. Legal conditions influencing the retail trade development

3.3. Changes in distribution channels as a result of the Internet and mobile technologies development

3.4. Multi-channel marketing concept


Marzanna Katarzyna Witek-Hajduk, Tomasz Napiórkowski,

Joanna Cygler, Andrzej Sznajder

Chapter 4. Manufacturer - retailer relationships in the Polish durable consumer

goods: market - the perspective of retailers and manufacturers


4.1. Manufacturer - retailer relationships in the durable consumer goods market - the perspective of retailers

4.2. Relationships between durable consumer goods' manufacturers and retailers - the perspective of manufacturers

4.3. The importance of the cooperative and competitive dimensions of the

retailer - key manufacturer relationships and the balance of power, scope of

cooperation and benefits from the cooperation

4.4. The importance of the cooperative and competitive dimensions of the

manufacturer - key retailer relationships and the balance of power, the area of cooperation and benefits obtained from the cooperation


Marzanna Katarzyna Witek-Hajduk, Anna Napiórkowska

Chapter 5. Case studies of manufacturer - retailer relationships in the durable consumer goods' market


5.1. Case studies of manufacturer - retailer relationships in the durable consumer goods' market - the perspective of manufacturers

5.1.1. The case study of the relationship between MODECOM S. A. and retailers

5.1.2. The case study of the relationship between the manufacturer Polskie

Fabryki Porcelany "Ćmielów" i "Chodzież" S. A. and retailers

5.2. Selected case studies of manufacturer - retailer relationships in the durable

consumer goods' market - the perspective of retailers

5.2.1. The case study of the relationships between the Castorama retail

network and manufacturers of durable consumer goods in the Polish market

5.2.2. The case study of the relationships between the retail network SMYK with manufacturers - its suppliers




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