Travel and Otherness in Nineteenth-Century British Writing

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Travel and Otherness in Nineteenth-Century British Writing

The essays collected in the volume cover a wide selection of texts representing different genres, literary currents and ideological perspectives to offer diverse interpretative insights into the cultural significance of travel and foreignness in British writing of the nineteenth century. Taken together, they aptly display the complexity of attitudes towards the Other as well as the diversity of textual strategies applied to depict the experience of travel and cultural difference.


Podróż i inność w dziewiętnastowiecznym piśmiennictwie brytyjskim

Eseje zebrane w tomie obejmują szeroki wybór tekstów reprezentujących różne gatunki, nurty literackie i perspektywy ideologiczne, oferując tym samym różnorodne interpretacje wglądu w kulturowe znaczenie podróży i obcości w piśmiennictwie brytyjskim XIX wieku. Zebrane razem, trafnie ukazują złożoność postaw wobec Innego, a także rozmaitość strategii tekstowych stosowanych do zobrazowania doświadczenia podróży i odmienności kulturowej.


Assoc. prof. Magdalena Pypeć (ORCID 0000-0003-4361-0178) – is Associate Professor at the Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw. Her publications include a monograph on Tennyson’s The Princess (Peter Lang, 2016). She has co-edited two volumes of Texts and Contexts. Studies in 18th and 19th Century British Literature and Culture series: Literature, Music, Drama and Performance and Landscapes and Townscapes (Warsaw University Press, 2019, 2021). Her most recent publications are a chapter “Opium as a Keyword in Dickens’s Novels” included in Some Keywords in Dickens (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlage, 2021), and “Literary Criticism as Women’s Rights Activism in Anna Jameson’s Shakespeare’s Heroines” included in Female Voices: Forms of Women’s Reading, Self-Education and Writing in Britain 1770-1830 (Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2022).

Assoc. prof. Przemysław Uściński (ORCID 0000-0001-8848-8095) – is Assistant Professor at the Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw, and Assistant Editor for Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies. He is the author of Parody, Scriblerian Wit and the Rise of the Novel (Peter Lang, 2017). His recent publications include: “Castaways and Colonialism: Dislocating Cultural Encounter in The Female American” (Bucknell University Press, 2020) and “Beyond Terracentric History: Eighteenth-Century Slave Trade in Barry Unsworth’s Sacred Hunger” (Routledge, 2021). He co-organizes the Warsaw Literary Meetings seminar cycle on literature and culture of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. His research interests include cultural theories, British and postcolonial studies, early modern and eighteenth-century literature and culture.


Dr hab. Magdalena Pypeć (ORCID 0000-0003-4361-0178) – adiunkt Zakładu Literatury Brytyjskiej Instytutu Anglistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.

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From the Editors 7

Part One: Journeys, Voyages, Quests
Francesca Orestano
Charles Dickens, Anthony Trollope, and the Spirit of the American Place 17

Michael Hollington
Disappointment and Discovery: Dickens’s Pictures from Italy in the Context of Travel Writings by Goethe and George Eliot 35

Julia Helena Wilde
“The blessed isles” and the “native shore”: Depictions
of the Earthly Paradise and Ireland in “The Voyage of St. Brendan” by Denis Florence MacCarthy 49

Irina Kantarbaeva-Bill
Henry Lansdell’s Repeat Journeys to Central Asia: Between Self-censorship and Disclosure 69

Magdalena Ożarska
The Acts of Writing and Reading Mary and Dorothy Wordsworths’ 1820 Continental Travel Journals: An Intertextual Perspective 87

Przemysław Uściński
Romantic Wanderers: The Peripatetic Mode in Wordsworth
and Coleridge 97

Part Two: The Exotic and the Foreign
Françoise Besson
The Quest for Otherness as a Step to Awareness: Henry Russell’s Travels to Asia 117 

Jacek Mydla
The Exotic and the Foreign in the Sherlock Holmes Canon:
Narratives of Displacement 149

Magdalena Pypeć
The Rhetoric of Imperial Gothic in The Mystery of Edwin Drood 165

Dorota Osińska
“She is a pregnant horror as she stands”: Medea and the Other in Amy Levy’s “Medea. A Fragment in Drama Form” 197

Notes on Contributors 215

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